Bell Pepper Salad

Serves 3 Persons


Bell Pepper 2 No I prefer red and yellow coloured ones Onion Medium sized 1 No
One Small sized Tomato (optional)
Cucumber 1 No
Maize 5 tbsp
Cooked red Kidney beans 5 tbsp
Green Peas 4 tbsp (optional but i prefer)
Salt and Pepper for taste
Lemon juice 2 tbsp
Olive oil 1 tsp


Take the seeds out of bell peppers and chop it to small square pieces and put it into a bowl.
Chopp onion, tomato (optional) into small pieces and add to bowl.
Chop cucumber into cubes and add to bowl.
Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix it throughly with salad spatula.
Attractive and healthy salad is ready.

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