None of the Tamil Nadu festivals are complete without medu vadai. It is the favourite of Lord Hanuman. With the basic vadas a lot of other recipes can be prepared like curd vada , sambhar vada and rasam vada by just soaking it in curd, sambhar or rasam respecively for 1 hour when the vada is warm. For vada mala use urud dal, fenugreek seeds, salt, pepper powder and water only.
Makes 9 - 10 Vadas
Whole Urud Dal 1/2 cup
Fenugreek Seeds 1/2 tsp
Onion Finely Chopped 1 No
Green Chillies Fined Chopped 3 Nos
Pepper Seeds 20 Nos
Curry Leaves 20 Nos
Salt 3/4 tsp
Coriander Leaves
Rice Flour 3-4 tbsp (if required)
Luke Warm Water 4 tbsp
Oil for Deep Fry
Soak the urud dal and fenugreek seeds in sufficient water for 1 hour.
Dont soak it for long time as it absorbs more oil.
Grind the urud dal and fenugreek seeds to fine paste with a little of water.
If possible dont add water.
Add onion, chillies, pepper, curry leaves, coriander leaves and salt to it and mix well.
If it is sticky add the necessary rice flour to it.
Make doughnut shapes out of the dough.
Apply a little of oil in a plastic sheet and make the doughnut shaped vadas placing it on a flat durface.
Deep fry the vadas till it turns to golden brown colour.
Make similar ones till all the dough is done.
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